Eager to Open

Email Engagement For Purpose Led, Conscious Brands is about making audiences eager to open

Email Engagement For Purpose Led, Conscious Brands is about making audiences eager to open

We have all had that feeling of anticipation. When we wait for a word of empowerment from our favorite coaches, healers, shamans, motivational speakers, mentors, fitness experts, moon witches, vision quest guides who we have come to trust and love. 

We chance upon them through Youtube or Instagram & they enter our lives when we feel most receptive to what they have to share. We deeply resonate with their messages and presence. We like their posts. We watch their Videos & we sign up for their emails. And if they are half as authentic, we actually start looking forward to their posts and emails. 

This is certainly my truth. I  have my favorite set coaches, teachers and mentors. Every time I open up my inbox or social feeds, I actually forward to a note / post from them. And every time I see one, I do not hesitate to click. In fact, I am eager to open.

So, in between those pesky credit card offers that will never stop, emails from Amazon and your airline with more miles that take you nowhere and that odd MBA program that you thought of uprising but decided not to, you get these email from those whom you actually want to hear from. You literally ignore EVERYTHING else and you click that open.

May be there is a placebo effect going on here. May be it is pavlovian conditioning. Whatever it is, we open because we trust that the message contained and its source. We know that it will serve us and not just sell to us. 

As a purpose-led brand, we are that source of trust and empowerment. Through not just what we sell but how we make it and what we stand for. Every marketing message, every email is a call to connect over a common value and purpose. A call to empower, engage and earn trust. The most important part of crafting a powerful marketing journey for a conscious brand is to focus on eliciting this response of being eager to open.  Rest is easy.

So here are 5 simple tips to start towards making this ‘open’ magic happen:

  1. Converse - Think of your email as a private one-on-one with your audience

  2. Align your content - Make sure that your Email is penned by someone who is actually in alignment with your purpose, brand and audiences. People might not notice the dissonance and misalignment (for almost all emails are) but they do definitely feel the alignment

  3. Be Authentic - Stop tying to be too clever with the subject lines. That might come across as manipulative and it comes across as trying too hard

  4. Find your Cadence - Filter your email schedule on a ‘would I want to hear from me today’ basis. If it feels forced for your, it WILL feel forced for the audience. Unless you are a narcissistic psychopath, just don’t do it. Remember less is more.

  5. Fill the right void - Find out which area of your audience’s lives that you serve and be an advocate for empowerment in that space.

Yes, an awesome subject line might help. Yes, a well structured email would help. Yes, timing it at the right time of the day might help. But the truth is, we tend to open emails from our favorite, trusted sources…no matter how shitty the subject line is or how god awful the time of the day it is. For frankly, when trust is earned, we are just eager to open. 

Ram Raja

I am a Advertising + Marketing + Engineering leader. I help brands build deeply resonant relationships with their audiences.


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